
out of the blue

Es gibt Momente, bei denen man nicht darüber

nachdenkt wie man aussieht was die Umwelt darüber denkt und wie sehr man verleitet ist an sein smartphone zu gehen, weil es schon zum siebten mal geklingelt hat und solche Momente sollten die wertvollsten sein.

Denn ab und zu muss man abschalten, anfangen sich nicht ernst zu nehmen.

Ob in totaler Stille zu entspannen oder in lauter Musik wild herum zu zappeln ist jedem frei überlassen solange es eine eigenständige und bewusste Handlung ist die von der eigenen Entscheidungskraft herrührt.

just feel like it



"We are very very small. But we are profoundly capable of very very big things."

quote from the 2004 film Hawking starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Brandon, Tom Ward.

picture displays a young Stephen Hawking reading THE GUARDIAN.
"We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purification. Nothing remains then but the recollection of a pleasure, or the luxury of a regret. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. It has been said that the great events of the world take place in the brain. It is in the brain, and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also."

- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray 


see behind the curtain

Wenn man nicht weiter weiß sollte man die Fügung für sich entscheiden lassen, am Ende brauchen wir nichts zu bereuen. Unsere Entscheidungen haben uns zu dem geführt wer wir heute sind, leider kommt es auch zu schmerzhaften Entscheidungen und wenn sie noch in jüngster Vergangenheit liegen kann man sie ungeschehen machen, man sollte sich der Konsequenzen jedoch bewusst sein.
Denn nicht nur die eigene Person sondern auch andere Parteien mögen involviert sein.

Don`t cry too much, tears dry slowly



When I waited for you there was no show
Made myself believe the untrue
How could I not know
I bet it seemed easier just to lie
But I found you out
This is my last goodbye
I heard enough fairy tales back in my youth
So just stop biting your nails and take the painful truth
You just look ridiculous in disguise
Yes I found you out
This is my last goodbye
'Cause it used to be my life and soul
Keeping everything in tune
What the heck man?
Last time I checked man
We had it all
It was just me and you
So what happened to you
Thought I knew you
No more chances
I'm gone, gone, gone
Love is not blind, it's just deaf and it is dumb
So how could I fool myself thinking you were the one
How sad, how undignified
Now I found you out
This is my last goodbye
'Cause it used to be my life and soul
Keeping everything in tune
What the heck man?
Last time I checked man
We had it all
It was just me and you
So what happened to you
Thought I knew you
No more chances
I'm gone, gone, gone
Don't wait for me
I'll be gone
'Cause when I waited for you
There was no show
Made myself believe the untrue
How could I not know

Lianne la Havas


when two songs collide

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fuckin' special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I wanna have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here, oh, oh
She's running out the door
She's running out
She run, run, run, run
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here

Artwork by Katharina

Drawing pictures
Of mountain tops
With him on top
Lemon yellow sun
Arms raised in a V
Dead lay in pools of maroon below
Daddy didn't give attention
To the fact that mommy didn't care
King Jeremy the wicked
Ruled his world

Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today

Clearly I remember
Pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
But we unleashed a lion
Gnashed his teeth
And bit the recess lady's breast
How could I forget
He hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurting
Dropped wide open
Just like the day
Like the day I heard
Daddy didn't give affection
And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear
King Jeremy the wicked
Ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today
Try to forget this...
Try to erase this...
From the blackboard.

Radiohead "CREEP" und Pearl Jam "JEREMY" - Songs, die in meinen Augen unmissverständlich ineinandergreifen und vielleicht auch auf den jeweiligen Hintergrund ein anderes Licht werfen...